EDMR Therapy

EMDR in Chattanooga, TN: What is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing?

EMDR therapy targets one or more memories that are contributing to unwanted symptoms,  lasting pain, or general dysfunction. Such a memory can be formed from any adverse experience and often include feelings of helplessness, overwhelm, or inability to protect oneself. This can include experiences of war, disaster, or interpersonal violence and also emotional pain, perceived abandonment, or relationship conflict. You can think of the bothersome symptoms like weeds. Chances are you’ve done work to get rid of the weeds, using coping skills, exercising, kind self-talk, etc. However, unless we get to the root of the weed, it will likely keep reappearing overtime. By going to the source memory or memories, we are pulling the weed out at the root. This treatment uses bilateral stimulation, which is usually movement of the eyes back and forth, but can also be accomplished through other sensory stimulation. We’ll figure out what works best for you in the first couple of sessions.

What is bilateral stimulation?

The bilateral stimulation, which is movement of the eyes from side to side, mimics what our bodies do every night while we are in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. The rapid, bilateral eye movements that occur during REM sleep help the brain turn our experiences into long term memories by activating both lobes of the brain. Through EMDR, we are mimicking this movement to encourage the brain to access and adaptively store the experiences that are currently “stuck” and causing problems.

What will the process look like for me?

EMDR therapy begins with a thorough intake session in which we talk about what you’d like to work on, what your symptoms are and, of course, get to know each other better. Over the next session or two, we’ll explore your strengths and resources, relevant life experiences, and other areas where additional resources can be developed. This is also the time when our clients typically ask lots of questions about the process (although you can ask questions at any time throughout treatment!). 

Next, we will focus on preparation for reprocessing by enhancing and building additional resources. This is an important step of the process that will provide you with lasting skills to manage stress and other emotional discomfort. We will also identify which memories may be stuck and contributing to your current symptoms. During this assessment phase, we want to make sure that, while identifying the problematic memories, you feel safe and empowered to reprocess the thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and body sensations associated with that memory. 

When both you and the provider feel ready, we will begin reprocessing the chosen memory by bringing up the different aspects of the memory and then beginning the bilateral stimulation. This process is intense at times and can bring up additional related memories. It is important to know that you are fully conscious and in control at all times. If the process becomes too intense, we can always pause and take a break. Once we are satisfied that the memory is no longer distressing, the next two phases involve enhancing related positive beliefs and conducting a body scan to reprocess any remaining “stuck” physical sensations associated with the memory until there is no more physical distress. The positive beliefs and body sensations allow for full reprocessing and integration of the memory. 

At the end of each session, we will spend some time winding down by practicing calming and relaxation activities. Between sessions, you can expect to experience some spontaneous reprocessing which may feel like additional insights, additional memories, or body sensations. Use of practiced coping skills is important to help manage any symptoms that may arise between sessions. The final phase includes re-evaluation of gains made in previous sessions, identification of changes experienced throughout the treatment process, and rehearsal of future functioning. 

EMDR treatment can take anywhere from a few months to a couple of years depending on the nature of the memory or memories being reprocessed.

Here at Ascend Coaching and Therapy in Chattanooga, we know how challenging it can be to keep hope in the face of overwhelming symptoms.

But there is hope…EMDR has been used to successfully treat the following:

  • PTSD

  • Anxiety

  • Phobias

  • Grief and Loss

  • Low Self-esteem

  • Depression 

  • Anger

  • Flashbacks

  • Eating disorders

  • And more

Originally introduced by Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1987, EMDR is now recognized all over the globe as an effective, safe, and relatively quick form of psychotherapy treatment. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association recommends it in their Clinical Practice for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Similarly, the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs has seen incredibly positive results among soldiers, military personnel, victims of violence, abuse, war, etc.  Amazingly, in one clinical study of single-trauma patients, 84% to 90% of people no longer had PTSD after only three 90-minutes sessions – which is pretty incredible. 

More Resources 

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime, Dr. Nadine Burke: https://www.ted.com/talks/nadine_burke_harris_how_childhood_trauma_affects_health_across_a_lifetime

Watch a single-incident reprocessing by Dr Jamie Marich: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6UvKhLYf7w

Click Here to book your free EMDR consultation call with Collier.


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